
As I use recommendations to discover books, restaurants, and hotels, I’ve found lots of good and bad content online. And its tough to figure out what is good and what is bad, and then to keep track of it all.  So, I’m working on KartMe, a digital media business that aims to solve information management problems.  This blog documents my thoughts on what leads to good and bad content online.

You can find my professional bio at Linked-In.  It mentions my work experience at IBM (I’m sure you know of it) and Dun & Bradstreet (which owns Hoovers.com and regularly buys digital companies), as well as my classroom education at Harvard Business School and Princeton University.  It doesn’t mention my love of BBQ, The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, NYC, or US Politics.

Want to try KartMe?  Curate and share your list for free

Got a question?  Reach me at phil  |at|  kartme  |dot|  com
